29hb Jun 2008, SHAH ALAM, MALAYSIA

Laporan polis yang dibuat terhadap saya awal hari ini adalah satu rekaan semata-mata. Saya percaya kita sedang menyaksikan ulangan pendekatan sama yang digunakan terhadap saya seperti pada tahun 1998 apabila tuduhan palsu dibuat dengan paksaan. Nyatalah ini satu tindakan terdesak oleh regim Barisan Nasional untuk menghalang usaha rakyat Malaysia menuju kebebasan, demokrasi dan keadilan.

Laporan palsu ini dirancang oleh pihak-pihak berkepentingan untuk menyerang saya sebagai satu serangan balas terhadap bukti yang saya perolehi mengaitkan Ketua Polis Negara Musa Hasan dan Peguam Negara Gani Patail dengan perbuatan salah laku, termasuk usaha pemalsuan bukti-bukti kes yang melibatkan saya pada tahun 1998-99. Serangan jahat ini tidak akan menghalang saya dari mendedahkan bukti-bukti tersebut kepada awam.

Saya menyeru rakyat Malaysia untuk bangun menentang kuasa-kuasa menindas yang akan digunakan oleh kerajaan pada hari dan minggu-minggu berikutnya. Kita menjangkakan pihak media, badan kehakiman dan pihak polis akan tunduk di bawah telunjuk serta arahan pemerintah.

Rakan-rakanku rakyat Malaysia - kita telah mengambil langkah berani pada 8hb Mac 2008 untuk mara demi harapan baru untuk kebebasan dan keadilan untuk semua rakyat. Gerakan rakyat untuk perubahan mesti terus maju dengan segala kekuatan dan keberanian.




June 29, 2008, SHAH ALAM, MALAYSIA

The police report lodged against me earlier today is a complete fabrication. I believe we are witnessing a repeat of the methods used against me in 1998 when false allegations were made under duress. This is clearly a desperate attempt by the Barisan Nasional regime to arrest the movement of the Malaysian people towards freedom, democracy and justice.

The report has been organized by interested parties to attack me in retaliation for evidence I have recently obtained implicating IGP Musa Hassan and the AG Gani Patail in misconduct including fabrication of evidence in the cases launched against me in 1998-1999. This vile attack will not prevent me from releasing this dossier to the public.

I urge the Malaysian people to stand against the repressive forces that will be unleashed by the government in the coming days and weeks. We expect the media, the judiciary and the police force to all come under the direct and unchecked control of the executive.

My fellow Malaysians - we took a bold step forward on March 8th towards a new dawn for freedom and justice for all of our citizens. This people’s movement for change must go on with all of our strength and conviction.


Mawi da ade rambut...hahaha

Cantiknye Ikin bile pakai tudung

Singer Enrique Iglesias has finally confirmed that he was secretly married to tennis star Anna Kournikova. Now he is confirming their divorce as well. Iglesias tells the Daily Star Oh I'm not married, no. I mean I was married. I was married, seriously. "I was married a year ago to Anna and I don't know what happened. We're not married anymore but we are kind of still

Ebi dengan rambut ala Bob Marley

Gua Rock!!!

Breakup Breaking News?
Terribly unfortunate scuttlebutt has come my way. Sources insist to me that Jennifer Garner is considering splitting up from her hubby, Ben Affleck. Say it ain't so, baby-cakes! Nevertheless, waiting on comment now from both parties. Could this be the reason Jen and Ben are always seen cooing over adorable daughter Violet separately, rarely as one happy family unit? Perhaps. And certainly, those who know the former Alias star well insist Ben's mama has never particularly cared for the gal who broke Michael Vartan's heart to hook up with Benny-Boy in the first place. Waiting on official PR responses to that little familial naughty nugget as, well, for what it's worth. Much has to be divided, I'm told...planes, property. Wonder—if above baddie biz is true—if Benny-boy will be the gentleman Vartan was when he was cast aside? Let's hope. I mean, don't leave Vi-hon with the sitters too long if ya decide to hit the card tables, Mr. A!

However, according to Mr. Affleck's representatives, that gambling escape won't be necessary: "We usually don't comment on stuff like this," shot Camp Affleck. "But you should know sources are liars. If you guys want to do the right thing, you won't post that item. It's all BS." Really? Interesting, as it's from the same bull-pooping peeps who originally told me Ms. G was moving from Vartan to Affleck, the fickle little femme.

She's looking prettier every time that I see a new picture of her. There's quite a big difference to the way she used to look.One of the best looking women in the world.

Ayushita Widyastuti Nugraha was born on June 9 1989 in Jakarta. She’s preferred called Ayu. She is an Indonesia’s actress and presenter. She has been acted in several movies; such as Tentang Dia, Banyu Biru, Me vs High Heels, and Bukan Bintang Biasa – together with Laudya Cynthia Bella, Dimas Beck, Chelsea Olivia and Rafi Ahmad.

The photos taken from Ayushita's Facebook.

Actor Colin Farrel looked slim and toned as he showed off his new ultra-thin physique on the beach in Malibu after his dramatic weight loss for a film role.

Despite his slender frame, the 32-year-old appeared tanned and healthy as he jogged along the beach yesterday.
The Irish heart-throb looked every inch the beach Adonis with his long hair, Celtic tattoos and a sand-covered six-pack.

Slimline: Colin Farrell looking thin as he runs up the beach after having a swim in Malibu
Farrell has dramatically shed pounds for his role in the upcoming movie, Triage, in which he plays a war photographer.

It is believed he has lost as much as three stone for the Bosnian film, in which he stars alongside Spanish actress Paz Vega and British actor Christopher Lee.
The thriller tells the story of a war photographer who loses his best friend during a harrowing assignment in war-torn Bosnia during the early 1990s.

For years now, countless groups have been relentlessly egging on smokers to drop the habit. However, with more than 15 billion cigarettes still sold every day all over the world, their pleas are apparently falling on deaf ears.

Scaring them with severe health consequences or using funny anti-smoking ads do little to make them quit. "Women who smoke could reach menopause almost two years earlier than those who don’t".

Bunga Citra Lestari.

This is Dian Sastrowardoyo.

Laudya Cynthia Bella and Julie Estele.

Ratu Felisha's wild side.

Wulan Guritno and Reni Sutiyoso.

Bunga Citra Lestari again.



I thought her nose suddenly looked different from Miami Ink to LA Ink
too. I pretty much noticed immediately... although I thought her face
looked better in LA ink in general. It looks like she's had a lot done.

I'm not sure that's she is Diana Danielle or not. Maybe this girl in this pictures is Diana Danielle look alike because I know Diana Danielle monitor by her mother when she dressing any clothes.

Ini adalah gambar Imran Ajmain bersama rakan-rakan di Sabah antaranya ialah Erna, Adam, Aliff Aziz, Farawahida dan Diddy.

DIKENALI sebagai pemain gitar kedua grup terkenal Indonesia, Sheila On 7 (SO7), Sakti yang duduk di hadapan kami, berkata, hari ini cukup berbeza dengan apa yang pernah dilihat sepanjang pembabitannya dalam industri lebih enam tahun lalu. Dalam pertemuan eksklusif yang diatur teman di kediaman Eross di Yogyakarta, Indonesia itu, kelihatan mukanya dijalari janggut, menyarung baju dan seluar khakis polos. Bicaranya teratur. Sakti membuka lembaran sejarah hidupnya - dari zaman jahiliah kepada seorang yang cukup patuh terhadap Islam. “Saya takut mati dan api neraka itu maha dahsyat,” luah Sakti serius. Perasaan takut mati itu terdetik selepas dia terpandang sebuah buku dengan judul Menjemput Sakaratul Maut Bersama Rasulullah di dalam sebuah kedai buku di Lapangan Terbang Yogyakarta sewaktu mahu ke Malaysia menghadiri majlis Anugerah Industri Muzik (AIM) dua tahun lalu. “Saya masuk ke sebuah kedai buku, ternampak buku ini dan fikiran saya berputar tentang senario kapal terbang yang kerap terhempas. “Saya bayangkan kalau kapal terbang saya terhempas dan saya mati, apa bekalan yang saya ada? Saya tiada apa-apa.

Tapi saya percaya mati tetap akan datang kepada saya pada bila-bila masa,” ceritanya yang kemudian membeli dan habis membaca buku tersebut sepanjang kembara ke Malaysia. Kembali ke Indonesia, dia terus dibelenggu perasaan takut mati selepas menjaga ibunya yang sakit di hospital selain membaca sebuah tabloid yang menyiar isu kematian. Insiden yang berturut ini, kata Sakti, sebagai satu petunjuk agar dirinya berubah. Dilepaskannya status pemain gitar SO7 saat grup ini sedang berada di kemuncak. “Saya tekad membuat keputusan dan tidak berasa rugi melepaskan status artis pada zaman kegemilangan kami kerana saya sendiri sudah tidak boleh memberi fokus pada hiburan. “Adakah saya menyesal melepaskan kemewahan dunia? Tidak sama sekali kerana saya lebih rela menyesal dan melepaskan semua di dunia sebelum saya dijemput ‘pulang’.

“Saya tidak mahu menyesal di akhirat kelak dan tidak terbayang panas api di sana,” kata Sakti yang turut mengaku kerap menangis mengenang dosa silam. Usai rasmi keluar dari SO7, anak kedua daripada tiga beradik ini berangkat ke Pakistan (menuntut di sebuah masjid di Rewin) dalam usahanya mendasari semula asas seorang Islam sejati selama dua bulan sebelum kembali ke Indonesia dan menimba ilmu daripada para ulama di negara sendiri. “Di Pakistan saya diajar menyayangi agama Islam sebagai sebuah agama yang indah.” Lantas sewaktu disuakan hal tentang zaman jahiliahnya dahulu, Sakti tersenyum dan berkata: “Dulu saya pemabuk,” katanya tanpa selindung dan menambah: “Saya mula minum alkohol sejak zaman sekolah, bukan semasa jadi artis. Saya hanya berhenti minum pada usia 26 tahun sewaktu mahu beralih menjadi umat Islam yang sebenar.” Tambah Sakti, solat lima waktu juga selalu rompong, jauh sekali solat Jumaat yang akuinya paling jarang dilakukan. Sebaik mendapat hidayah dan memahami disiplin kehidupan yang telah ditentukan Tuhan, dia cukup takut untuk meninggalkan solat. Apa lagi saat mengenangkan kalau tiba-tiba dirinya dijemput ‘pergi’ tanpa sempat ‘bermanja’ dengan Tuhan.

Tanpa kemewahan, kata suami kepada Miftahul Jannah, 23, dia menjalani kehidupan kini serba sederhana sambil mengusahakan sebuah kedai dobi dan kedai mini sejak tiga bulan lalu di kampung halamannya. Ditanya tidakkah rindu untuk memeluk keenakan hiburan, pantas dia menggeleng. Namun dia masih menyentuh gitar. “Tapi bukan untuk dipertontonkan seperti dulu. Saya juga masih mendengar muzik, tapi lebih senang kepada nasyid atau memuji Islam seperti karya-karya Yusuf Islam. Muzik rock sudah jarang,” ujarnya yang tidak pernah menganggap hiburan sebagai perosak jiwa, tetapi ia menjadi rosak dengan penerimaan yang salah. Sedang menghitung waktu untuk menggarap album berbentuk Islamik bersama seorang teman, Sakti saat diminta menyimpulkan kehidupannya kini memberitahu: “Nikmat punya agama seindah Islam memberi efek luar biasa dalam hati saya. “Apa yang saya bimbangkan kini jika Tuhan menterbalikkan hati saya seperti dahulu. Nauzubillah, kerana saya mahu terus berada dalam hidayahnya sehingga saya mati.”

Siapa: Sakti Ari Seno@ Sakti, 28.
Transisi: Bekas pemain gitar Sheila On 7 (SO7) ini mula mengubah ‘kiblat’nya sejak dua tahun lalu.
Kini: Pendakwah bebas serta pemilik kedai dobi dan kedai mini bernama Smart.

Jennifer Love Hewitt share us guys a nice tip of advice on what most woman wants in a guy from Esquire Magazines.

1. PMS is not a lame excuse to be able to yell at you. It’s a great excuse.

2. We really can pump our own gas. It’s just that we’ve got this fantasy of you as a ’30s-era full-service station attendant. You’d look so cute in the hat.

3. We’re not complimented when you call your ex a slut. She dated you, too. So what are we?

4. We’re smart enough to know that smell is always the dog.

5. Yes, we can dish it out.

6. No, we can’t take it.

7. We want to raise children. We just don’t want you to be one of them.

8. Women are meant to talk and men to listen. We don’t want to be fixed; we want to be heard.

9. When we ask if you’ve had any work done, it’s because we want to know what our kids will really look like.

10. When we ask you how we look, it’s okay to lie; when we ask you how she looks, you better lie.

I don’t know when did the photo take? After the family conflict between Maia and Dhani or before it. We just know that photo shows a very hot kissing pose; a hot tongue kissing. A very hot kiss between Maia Estianty and Ahmad Dhani.

Ni gambar Dato' Siti Nurhaliza masa die sekolah menengah, yang dok sebelah die tu katanya adalah abang angkat die masa sekolah.

Comelnye Siti mase sekolah...

Superimpose celebrity photos in the digital world of photo-editing are fairly common. They are usually made by cutting and pasting the heads of celebrities onto the bodies of naked model although sometimes the parts of nude models are pasted onto celebrity pictures.Generally, superimpose celebrity pics are produced just for fun. Moreover, there are community forum dedicated to collect and display fake images that made by members.

Lindsay Lohan went shopping in Beverly Hills on Robertson Blvd before her Mercedes crashed in her second accident since May. Then after the crash she ran into Hideaway House Antique shop across the street where she blood stained a $5200 French walnut chair.

She exited the place covered in a blanket as she stepped into an ambulance.
Check out the pictures.

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